• the pool is open

  • calling all solo stakers

Solo stakers

Solo stakers

smoothing pool

smoothing pool









Maximize rewards, incentivize home staking

Maximize rewards, incentivize home staking

Maximize rewards, incentivize home staking


Smoothly gives home stakers access to MEV smoothing, a tool which large staking providers have been using since the merge.

By pooling together tips and MEV with other validators, you have access to a share of rewards from the pool at fixed intervals. 


Smoothly gives home stakers access to MEV smoothing, a tool which large staking providers have been using since the merge.

By pooling together tips and MEV with other validators, you have access to a share of rewards from the pool at fixed intervals. 


Smoothly gives home stakers access to MEV smoothing, a tool which large staking providers have been using since the merge.

By pooling together tips and MEV with other validators, you have access to a share of rewards from the pool at fixed intervals. 

the pool

why smoothly

trust minimized

Our network of 6 oracle operators reach consensus on the state of registrants. 

not for profit

Smoothly is a sustainable public good, with a 1.5% fee split between oracle operators to cover hard costs. The Smoothly team takes no additional fee. 

we're realists

App layer smoothing pools may be irrelevant in 2-4 years! This project is a bridge between today and when a similar mechanism is enshrined in the protocol.

open source

In the spirit of Ethereum, everything we've built is open source. Feel free to contribute, test, fork, whatever you like.

how it works

Register your validator

Update the fee recipient in your validator client to Smoothly’s pool contract address.

Connect to our dashboard with the deposit or withdrawal address associated with your validator and complete the registration by depositing your bond.

Claim Rewards +

Dashboard Statistics +

Monitoring & Penalties +

Register your validator

Update the fee recipient in your validator client to Smoothly’s pool contract address.

Connect to our dashboard with the deposit or withdrawal address associated with your validator and complete the registration by depositing your bond.

Claim Rewards +

Dashboard Statistics +

Monitoring and Penalties +